What is neurospirituality?
Neurospirituality is the application of advanced neuroscience methods to study humankind’s search for the sacred.
Knowledge generated by neurospirituality research has potential to impact multiple sectors of society, including medicine, law, and religion.
The videos on this page are from some of my presentations and interviews about neurospirituality and its potential impacts.
An Introduction to Neurospirituality
(33 minutes)
Mapping the Mind:
The Neuroscience of Spirituality and Meditation
(43 minutes)
Dr. Ferguson’s talk onĀ Neurospirituality
for the 2020 Soul & Brain symposium
(19 minutes)
Dr. Ferguson’s interview on neurospirituality
with the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
(14 minutes)
A description of Dr. Ferguson’s
Harvard graduate course on Neurospirituality
(1 minute)
Dr. Ferguson’s continuing education talk
for theology and ministry
(83 minutes)
Oxford debate on psychedelics and spirituality
with Dr. David Yaden, PhD
(75 minutes)
Varieties of Spiritual Experiences:
a conversation with Dr. David Yaden, PhD
(90 minutes)
The God Circuit?
Dr. Ferguson’s presentation and discussion
with the Boston Society of Neurology,
Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry
(90 minutes)
Dr. Ferguson’s Grand Rounds talk
for the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
(60 minutes)
Special Topics: Neuroscience of Beauty
(28 minutes)
Special Topics: Neurology of Consciousness
(29 minutes)